858-922-0774Mon - Sun: 8:00AM - 8:00PM

Paul Tremblay is the Founder and President and CEO of FireMedIV. Paul is a native of San Diego, CA where he was born and raised. Paul played college football at the University of San Diego. While at USD Paul got his degree in Business Administration. After college Paul made phoenix his home and quickly fell in love with the career of firefighting and serving others. He worked hard to become a member of the Phoenix Fire Department. He has worked as a firefighter paramedic for the last 7 years and still loves what he does. Paul received the honor of Paramedic of the Year in 2019 for the phoenix fire department for having performed paramedic duties in an outstanding manner for the department and public safety of the community.  Paul is excited to serve his fellow community members even further with FireMedIV. He is a firm believer in functional medicine and working on health and wellness through a holistic approach. He knows that the unique solutions and convenience FireMedIV can bring to its clients will aide in helping people reach their health goals and feel better faster for longer.

In his spare time Paul loves spending it with his beautiful wife and 3 children, cooking delicious meals, studying French, and traveling the world.

Chief Executive Officer

Paul Tremblay